Pre Order Inspection

Pre Order inspection

Here at MUS Trading USA, we provide pre-order quality inspection services to ensure that your products meet all the necessary quality standards before they are shipped. MUS is a leading name in inspection companies. 

We understand the importance of quality control, and our team of experienced professionals will work diligently to inspect your products and identify any potential issues. With our pre-order quality inspection services, you can rest assured that your products will arrive at their destination in perfect condition. 

Contact us today to learn more about our pre-order product quality inspection services.

Pre Order inspection Procedure

By using our pre-order quality inspection services, you can be confident that your products will arrive in perfect condition.

MUS Pre-Order Inspection Services

Pre Order Inspection Checklist

In-line inspection
In-line inspection of product quality is the process of checking products for defects during the manufacturing process. By doing this, manufacturers can avoid shipping defective products and reduce the number of customer complaints.
Types of in-line inspection:
Initial Production Inspection (IPI)
It’s when a factory audit and supplier audit are conducted at the beginning of production, to ensure that products meet quality standards. This is different from a final inspection, which is shown at the end of production.
During Production Inspection (DUPRO)

DUPRO is an inspection performed at the factory during the production process. The purpose of DUPRO is to verify that the factory is producing the products in accordance with the approved samples and specifications. 

A DUPRO can be either a full-production inspection or a partial-production inspection, depending on the schedule and scope of work agreed upon between the buyer and supplier. 

Final Random Inspection (FRI)
The Final Random Inspection, or FRI, is a factory audit conducted at the end of the production process. This audit is used to ensure that the products meet the required quality standards.

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Our worldwide presence ensures the timeliness, cost efficiency and compliance adherence required to ensure your needs timelines are met.